IC2A activities at ISPO 17th World Congress 2019

At the 17th World Congress of ISPO in Kobe, Japan 2019 IC2A under took a programme of activities:

Opening Ceremony including IC2A Inspirational Lecture 2019
Desmond Tong Climbing

As part of the opening ceremony Desmond Tong received only the second IC2A Inspirational Medal awarded.
Read more about Desmond Tong and listen to his engaging real life story.

His story illustrates that life after limb loss has much to offer and that an individual’s goals can be achieved to the highest level.

 IC2A Think Tank Theme – Quality Fit of Prosthetic Sockets
Information to follow.

Basic Instructional Course:
Peer Support for amputees in the hospital and in the community
This was chaired by Sandy Sexton (IC2A Secretariat Manager) with speakers:
Dieter Jűptner (affiliation BMAB), Mark Miller and Geir Bornkessel (affiliation Momentum) and Jean-Pascal Hons-Olivier (affiliation ADEPA).
This Basic Instructional Course considered what peer support services are needed, available and effective with a particular focus on peer support for amputees. It explored not only examples of peer hospital visiting, but also social forms of peer support.
Several resources are available from the session – videos, slides and photographs.

Exercises for amputees with lower limb prosthetics 
These exercises were part of a small demonstration session for IC2A amputee association members at the ISPO 17th World Congress. Read more.

IC2A Annual General Meeting Number 4
Information to follow.