About IC2A
Together, we unite the world in one global voice for amputees.

We are the International Confederation of Amputee Associations (IC2A).
Our Vision is to inspire improvement in the quality of life of amputees and individuals born with limb deficiency.
Our Mission is to help national amputee associations to share experiences, knowledge and best-practices about amputee health and wellbeing at the international level.
Our Objectives are to
• amplify the voice of our members
• provide peer inspiration, support & counselling
• endorse best practice high quality and timely amputee rehabilitation services
• advocate for best quality of prosthetic socket fit
• promote freedom of choice of components and service providers
• ensure that limbs for sports is part of rehabilitation
• campaign for the financing of appropriate limbs and rehabilitation
IC2A has a partnership with the International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics.
We are a member of the World Health Organization’s Global Cooperation on Assistive Technology (GATE).