Limb Systems

The IC2A concept is that the prosthesis should be considered as an entire limb system and not simply as a socket with components attached. The limb system approach means that the impact of any innovation or change in one aspect of the limb system should be understood for the whole system, particularly in relation to how the user feels about function and comfort.

Designers or service providers must always incorporate amputee reported measures of comfort and function when evaluating their products or services. The feedback and opinion of the amputee is the most important measure of success. In other words they must include “person reported outcome measures” of comfort and function even if they are also interested in other observations that are not directly reported by the amputee.

Vitruvian man. 3d rendering. On white
Vitruvian man. 3d rendering. On white



Technology transfer including innovation, legs and arms

Socket fit including comfort and functionality